principle Message


I wish that the educational journey of our children is happy with wonderful experiences and beautiful memories to cherish.The prime objective of Shri Tuljabhavani Bahuuddeshiya Samajsevi Sanstha,Vetalwadi is to focus majorly on providing a platform to a child so that he learns about his inner potential. The college believes in providing top quality education coupled with holistic growth of a child and aims to create a successful global citizen.

The college aims at the capacity building to cater to the need of the economy, society, and the country as a whole thereby contributing to the development of the nation.It is true we learn a lot in college, we study diverse subjects, languages, and co-curricular activities. While we study, a good institution is one that provides those opportunities to students in which what is potential in them becomes explicit and this process of creativity goes on till our students represent our college on the global map. The college aims at the capacity building to cater to the need of the economy, society, and the country as a whole thereby contributing to the development of the nation. I wish success to all students and best wishes to staff.

Dr. Chandanshive Tanaji Aba
M.A.M.Ed. SET, Ph.d, D.S.M